Binary to Decimal Converter

Simple tool for Decimal/Binary conversion.

Please provide a valid Binary number.
Decimal number

About Binary to Decimal Converter

Binary to Decimal is a numeric converter tool that helps you to convert binary to decimal instantly. Also, you can use this binary to decimal calculator for small and big numbers (negative numbers included).

This tool allows you to convert from one base to another: you can convert decimal to binary and from binary to decimal. Using it as a decimal to binary converter, this tool provides the same features for numeric precision and real-time conversion. Converting binary to decimal or from decimal to binary is always free and there is no limit to the amount of numbers to convert!

We include the following set of features:

  • Binary to Decimal conversion (Unit converter)
  • Decimal to Binary conversion (Unit converter)
  • Support for big and small numbers
  • Real-time calculations

Advantages of using Binary to Decimal Converter

  • Avoid calculations: With these tools it is no longer necessary to perform manual conversions to binary/decimal. The calculation process is done automatically every time you need to convert a number (negative decimal to binary is also allowed). You don't need to worry about conversion steps!
  • Simplicity: There are no overloaded interfaces, complex processes, many buttons to choose from, or a lot of information around. Start typing a number and you will see instant results. We keep it simple!
  • Binary to Decimal and Decimal to Binary: You can get decimal numbers from binary as mentioned above, but it is also possible to do the reverse process. That is, convert a decimal number into a binary number. Just switch the conversion with the middle button according to what is required.
  • Real-time conversion: You don't have to wait seconds to get results. The conversion is delivered fast and in real time. Also, you don't need to press any buttons. Results are generated as you type the number, free and unlimited.

What is the difference between Binary and Decimal?

The decimal system is the most common numeric system and is used to represent integer numbers. This system has 10 symbols (digits) to express numbers: 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 and 9. The base of the decimal numbers is 10.

A binary number uses a base-2 numeric system and has only two possible digits: 0 and 1. The binary code is widely used in digital technology since it is perfect to represent the passage or non-passage of energy in a circuit, and convert these signals into representative data.

How to convert from binary to decimal in Python?

For python developers, there is a simple way to convert from binary to decimal or decimal to binary: using int() and bin() functions. Using these functions, you can convert from one base to another, using common built-in python functions.

Example 1: 1101 from binary to decimal

The int() function uses 2 parameters: the first element is the number you want to convert, and the second element is the base of the input number. In this case we will use '1101' (string format) as the input number, and 2 (binary) as the base.

Then, the function should be: int('1101', 2) -> Output (int): 13.

Example 2: 100 from decimal to binary

In this case, the bin() function will take only one parameter: the input number as an integer.

Then, you should type: bin(100) -> Output (str): '0b1100100'.
NOTE: 0b is the prefix in python to identify a binary number. The output number from 100 (decimal) to binary will be 1100100. To return only the binary number without the prefix, use bin(100)[2:]