H1 Checker

Check multiple h1 heading tags and improve the website's SEO.

Please, provide a valid URL.

About H1 Checker

  • H1 Tag Checker
  • SEO heading inspection tool
  • Check multiple H1 tags
  • Test H1 for any URL

What is H1 Checker?

H1 Checker is a SEO tool to extract, test and validate any H1 tags from the HTML of a website. H1 is usually used for the titles of web pages and articles, so this online tool will help you check any title or important information from a URL.

To use this tool, type or paste the URL on the input at the top of this page. Then, click on "Check H1 tags" button. The H1 results for that URL will be displayed in a few seconds.

Can I check multiple h1 tags on a website?

Yes! H1 checker allows you to check multiple h1 tags on websites and they will be displayed in a list (sorted in order of appearance).

What does H1 mean?

H1 (also called "heading one") is the main HTML heading tag to indicate titles or sections on a page. H1 tag is most commonly used to indicate the main title on a web page. In the HTML, H1 is enclosed in <h1></h1> tags and, by default, it has the bigger font size between all headings (h1 to h6).