BMP to TGA Converter

Online BMP to TGA image conversion with high quality (no compression).

Please, provide a valid image format.

About BMP to TGA Converter

  • BMP to TGA conversion
  • Support of large BMP files
  • High quality TGA conversion
  • Quick and free conversion (no rate limit)

What is BMP to TGA Converter?

BMP to TGA Converter is an image converter that helps you quickly get .tga files from .bmp images. This tool provides a simple way to convert BMP to TGA files, by keeping the quality as the original source file. Also, there is no limit to convert bmp to tga, so you can convert all the images you want and up to 30MB!

How to convert BMP to TGA?

To convert BMP to TGA format, pick any .bmp image from your device. Then, upload the file to the page and a "Convert" button will show up. Click on the button to start the conversion process (it will take a few seconds). Once the bmp image is converted to tga, click on the displayed "Download" button to store the generated TGA file on your device.

Differences between BMP and TGA format

The BMP format is generally not compressed at all and the quality is very high (since no compression is applied). Bitmap format has 16M colors and low-color modes of 2, 16, and 256.

TGA format has a similar format than BMP (both are bitmap file formats) but with some additional features, mainly the ability to efficiently store "transparency". The max colors for tga format are 16M too and the low-color mode is always 256. TGA files are generally larger than BMP, but both file formats tend to be large.