SHA1 Hash Generator

Online convert/encrypt from plain text or string to SHA1 hash.

About SHA1 Hash Generator

SHA1 Hash Generator is an online tool to generate a set of unique SHA-1 based on an input string. The generated output digest contains a 40-character hash using the SHA1 function and generated in real time.

How to use SHA1 Hash Generator

  1. Enter or paste any text or input string in the above "Input Text" section.
  2. Wait few milliseconds until the hash is generated.
  3. Copy or save the generated SHA1 hash to use it anywhere.

Common Questions about SHA1

What is SHA1?

SHA1 (Secure Hash Algorithm 1) is a widely used hash function created in 1995 that produces a 160-bit (or 20-byte) output hash or a hexadecimal digest of 40 characters. This hashing function was based on previous MD2, MD4 and MD5 implementations and is considered more secure than MD5 and aligned with the national US security standards. Since the SHA1 hashing process is more complex than MD5, the hash generation is quite slower.

Is SHA1 secure?

Not at all. Despite being safer than MD5 hashes, many attack methods and vulnerabilities were published for SHA1 algorithm. The main weakness is related to collisions (two different inputs that generate the same output hash).